Stone Mountain Projects | Custom Tables | Ottawa

Contact us



We are so excited that you’re here and ready to start your creative adventure with us. Your project vision is the blueprint for a beautiful piece of furniture, and with your input, we’re ready to turn it into something amazing.


The contact form below is the first step in developing your idea. The more you tell us, the better we can tailor our approach to meet your needs. Whether your idea is fully developed or just a tiny seed, we want to hear all about it – every detail helps us shape your idea into something truly one of a kind.


And this isn’t just about what you’ll get from us; it’s a two-way street. Filling out the contact form lets us offer valuable guidance right from the start, providing resources and gaining a better understanding of the scope and details of your project.


So, let’s take that first step together today. Share your vision with us, and let’s get started on something truly extraordinary.

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From our workshop directly to your home.

Let’s craft the perfect addition for your home, together. 

make sure you stop by our portfolio for some inspiration for your project and to see our previous creations.


For more inspiration and behind the scenes check out our Instagram


For an in depth look into our building process and full project builds head over to our YouTube.



